Aurora is Your New Favorite Neighborhood Hangout That’s Been Around for Years

It’s three o’clock in the afternoon. Friday. On West Balboa Boulevard, the street is still quiet, a study in windblown palm trees and paved, empty roadway that’ll soon fill with cars tangled in the nighttime whirl. Along 23rd Street, an open door, wedged between darkened windows and yellow walls. This is Aurora, a onetime-Mediterranean eatery…

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Beach Eats: Homemade Pasta and Tomatoes

It might seem a little strange to be hawking a pasta recipe on a Sunday that’s such a scorcher, the only thing acceptable to eat should be ice cubes. Except once the summer sun melts and the nighttime cool(ish) descends, there’s still dinner to be made and this recipe is a winner. The tomatoes were…

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Beach Eats Recipe #1: Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts have recently made something of a turnaround. No longer are they the evil stepmother of summer vegetables; now, they’re chic, trendy, appearing on menus as coveted items to enjoy. This particular Brussels sprout dish is aromatic yet light and summer fresh, and uses Brussels sprouts procured from the farmers’ market at Newport Pier.…

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